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...Yes, that's right. It's about to wind down; the voting/recommending ENDS TODAY! So, stop what you're doing for a moment and head to the site (click the photo below to direct you to the site) and vote for 'jvordonia' and recommend his album profile AND photos that he has sent for the contest--All you do is click 'recommend'. This would really mean a lot to him if you would just take a little bit of your time to vote/recommend. He NEEDS YOUR HELP! He needs all the recommends he can get to win the contest. But of course, it's not all about the winning. My best friend John is a freelance photographer and he just does his best to show-off and share his talent to everyone and anyone. He's doin' this for the love, for himself, and to showcase his talent. So please...would you HELP A BROTHA' OUT...?
Get Cape.Wear Cape.Fly Photo by J. Ordonia (RushFromAbove Photography)b.
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