Sunday, January 4, 2009

John Ordonia Of RushFromAbove Photography

I'm gonna give credit to my boy John on this one...Here it is, bro...posted with flava'...

Shouts to John and his crew at Cornerstone University on this film. I dig! Loved it!

(Before viewing, here's a little description about the film, courtesy of lancerpika...)

Was filmed for the Compass Film Academy 24 hour Film Festival which was on April 18-19. The teams were given 4 elements that had to incorperated into the 5 minute short films and return the film to Compass in 24 hours.

The elements were:
-Theme: Passing on a tradition
-Prop: Remote control
-Movie Line: "We all go a little mad sometimes" ...............from the movie Psycho
-Location: Baseball diamond

From there, we had to create a basic story including the elements and make a script, go out and shoot it, and then edit it.........I helped out a little on the shooting, until I had enough footage to begin to edit it all together......


  1. Wow! Johnnay helped make this? It's really professional. The storyline is simple and a striking idea. And made in only 24 hours! Major props!

  2. Thanks for the compliment =)
