But if I had to make some type of video about myself...like a documentary about me or some type of commercial with me on it, I would. Now...imagine the background music...say, the Nicolay & Kay Time:Line album. Okay, let's take the instrumental album, for instance. Why I'm I blogging about this, you might be asking...? I'm not sure...but it was just a dope idea if I was to make some type of video with Time:Line playing in the background...me talking about whatever I'm talking about...With dope film shooting and different camera views/angles.
Another legit reason is that it was the first time in awhile since I listened to the Time:Line Instrumentals...and listening to it again, DAMN...it just got my creative thoughts grinding. A brain storm of an explosion. I was literally thinking...shit, I can make a dope ass video with me on it...like a documentary about me, a commercial, or talking about...what music means to me or some shit...Like the tracks that I was listening to just really set off the tone, off the bat for a nice video. (John, where you at, bro!?)...CRAZY. What tracks, specifically, you ask...? Let's see...The Lights, Through the Wind, What We Live, Tight Eyes. As the Wheel Turns, and Grand Theft Auto.
Let me set a scenario...Imagine this, with the Time:Line Instrumentals tied in it...
(Opening credits roll...then me speaking, with Tight Eyes playin' in the back. Then it fades in with the camera pointed at me, still speaking...shot in black and white, shot documentary-style...me probably sittin' and chillin'... let's say...talking about what music is to me, whateverwhatever, with Tight Eyes still playing. After awhile, it starts to fade out...(let's say that was just the introduction of the video...) Then, Grand Theft Auto plays...then the real video starts to roll...Heavey beat. I feel like a secret agent with that track playin'.)
Yeeah. You're all like...WHAT? I did my best describing it. It's hard describing it written. It'd be much better if I show you what I'm talking about. Like, if we had to set up on a set or something.
This might be the weirdest blog entry I've ever written...but I'd like to someday shoot a video with me on it...or about me. Like, filmed pro-style...nice camera...whatevers. But I like the whole filming in a documentary style...with a little black and white shooting. That'd be nice...
However, my point is not about what I just typed here, neccessarily, but how music and filming go hand-in-hand...it just sets the right tone for filming. I don't know...I feel like I'm rambling. I'm out...
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