I'm out for the weekend. Think I'll take a break from this here blog. Enjoy my blog if you happend to stumble across here. Have a good one! See you in February...STEELERS, SON!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Did You Know I Was In A Gang...?
I'm out for the weekend. Think I'll take a break from this here blog. Enjoy my blog if you happend to stumble across here. Have a good one! See you in February...STEELERS, SON!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Battle For J Dilla's Legacy...
Kelley Louise Carter Vibe Magazine January 13, 2009

"When he left, I had an awful void," she says calmly. "I didn't grieve like you always think you'd grieve. I always had a joy and the strength to help others to get through it. But..." her voice trails off, hands smoothing down her jeans. "I haven't cried yet."
Still, the memories came flooding back when she flew from Detroit to visit the city where her son was buried at age 32. "I rejoiced in the fact that he wasn't sick anymore," she says, "and that he'd done what he came here to do. I do believe that. His purpose on earth was to come here and give us the music that he had in his heart and soul."
The equipment that surrounds her is Dilla's, the same gear he used to create the deceptively simple, unspeakably beautiful music that solidified his reputation as one of hip hop's greatest. As Busta Rhymes put it in 2007, "He wasn't just a producer, he was the best producer."
Many of her son's friends - Common, Busta, Erykah Badu - still call regularly, and keep her son's music in rotation. Q-Tip's latest single, "Move" (Universal Motown, 2008), was built around a Dilla beat, and her other son John Yancey, a rapper known as Illa J has released the powerful new album, Yancey Boys (Delicious Vinyl, 2008), which was produced by his big brother.
Meanwhile the 60-year-old woman everybody calls Ma Dukes faces health problems of her own, and financial challenges as well. Although numerous memorials and "benefits" were held in his name, the proceeds didn't change his family's life. Dilla left two daughters - Ja'Mya, 7, and Paige, 9 - to provide for, a sizeable IRS bill, and unresolved legal issues surrounding the use of his beats. Ma Dukes says she has never received money from her son's estate and that her plans to establish a foundation in his name were quashed by the executor of his estate. Somehow, she was not reduced to tears even after Dilla's attorney informed her that she had no legal right to use her own son's name or likeness for commercial purposes. Not even to support his family.
IN HIS NATIVE DETROIT, DILLA WAS THE MAN. The soft-spoken beatmaker was a pioneer of the Motor City hip hop landscape that struggled to gain national recognition before Slim Shady put the D on the map in 1999. Though he remains anonymous to the masses, Dilla is considered a demigod by his hardcore fans. His distinctive drum sounds and grimy, organic sound palette revolutionized hip hop production, and echoes of his innovative use of samples can be heard in the work of Just Blaze and Kanye West. "He can do a Primo beat better than Premier. He can do a Dre beat better than Dre, and he can out-rock Pete Rock," says fellow Detroit producer House Shoes. "But none of them could duplicate a Dilla beat. Much respect to those three. They were pioneers. But that's the fucking truth."
Dilla grew up in the Conant Gardens section of Detroit's Eastside surrounded by music. His dad, Beverly Yancey, played piano and upright bass. "My mom and dad had a jazz a cappella group, and they'd sing in the living room for hours and hours," says Illa J, 22. "It was really laid-back and nonchalant. While that was happening, my brother would be downstairs in the basement doing his thing."
By the mid-1990s, Dilla was getting calls from some of the hottest stars of the day. He produced tracks for The Pharcyde, De La Soul, Busta Rhymes, A Tribe Called Quest, and Q-Tip, with whom he founded the production collective The Ummah. Yet despite these high-profile projects, Dilla shunned the limelight. His love of music eclipsed any concern for dealing with industry politics. "He wasn't antisocial," says Illa J. "He was just quiet. That comes from our dad. A lot of his personality rubbed off on my brother. It was all about the craft for him. He didn't care about all that other stuff."
When Tribe's Beats, Rhymes, and Life (Jive, 1996) was nominated for a Grammy, Tip invited Dilla to the award ceremony. "I was like, 'Yo, this is a good opportunity for you, you should just go.' He was like, 'Hell no, I ain't going. Fuck that!"' recalls Q-Tip, laughing at the memory. "I said, 'You got nominated for a fucking Grammy. You are going to go.' He said, 'I ain't got nothing to wear!' But he went. He was so mad and disgruntled and angry about that. He was much happier doing it his way. That's who he was. He didn't really want to fuck with none of that. And I don't blame him."
DILLA REALIZED SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH HIS HEALTH IN JANUARY OF 2002. He'd just returned from Europe and thought he had a bad flu. Sick to his stomach and complaining of chills, Ma Dukes took him to the emergency room at Bon Secours hospital in suburban Grosse Pointe, Michigan. His blood platelet count should have been above 150, but it was below 10. Doctors told his mother they were surprised he was still walking around.
He tested positive for lupus, an autoimmune disease that can be fatal. To make matters worse, Detroit doctors diagnosed him with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, aka TTP, a rare disorder that causes blood clots to form in the body's blood vessels.
Despite his degenerating health, Dilla packed up his stuff and moved out to Los Angeles, where he lived with his friend and frequent collaborator Common. He set up a studio and got to work. But very few knew how bad life was for the soft-spoken prodigy. He poured himself into his work, doing his best to forget his health problems. Ma Dukes says there were several close calls. When she left him alone once, Dilla fell down and bumped his head. Because she refused to leave Dilla's side during his last days, she and her husband lost their house. She tried to file for bankruptcy to save the family home but didn't get back to Detroit in time to sign the necessary paperwork. "I wasn't leaving my son," she says."We lost the house. But I wasn't concerned. It didn't bother me at all."
At summer's end, 2005, Dilla found himself in a hospital bed at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, the same hospital where The Notorious B.I.G. and Eazy-E died. He'd lost the ability to walk and could barely talk. His own body was killing him, and there was little to be done about it.
Sensing that death was coming, he told his mother he needed his equipment in the hospital with him. Ma Dukes asked his friends from the L.A.-based label Stones Throw Records to lug his turntables, mixer, crates of records, MPC, and computer into his room. When his hands were too swollen, Ma Dukes would massage his stiffened fingers so Dilla could work on the tracks, letting his doctors listen to the beats through his headphones.
Sometimes he'd wake Ma Dukes up in the middle of the night, asking her to help move him from his bed to a reclining chair so he could work a bit more comfortably. His only focus was finishing the album. Donuts was released on Stones Throw on February 7, 2006, his 32nd birthday. Dilla died three days later.
"It was crazy to hear all that soul," Illa J says of one haunting track called "Don't Cry." "I got to be in the right mode to listen to it. It's emotional for me. I can feel my brother talking to me through the music."
THREE DAYS AFTER DILLA DIED, HIS ELDEST DAUGHTER, PAIGE, TURNED 6. "That was a low blow," says her mother, Monica Whitlow. "To have to tell my baby that before her birthday was the worst. We didn't get to say goodbye." The 29-year-old, who knew Dilla before his career took off, still lives in Detroit. She emphasizes that their relationship was never about money. "To have him back here, breathing and living, that's worth more than money any day," she says. "But it pisses me off, everything that's going on with this estate. It's ridiculous 'cause it's been three years, and my baby has not seen anything from this estate. Nobody has granted James his final wish."
Although Dilla's will stipulates that all assets be divided among his mother, his two daughters, and his brother, the executor of the estate is his accountant Arty Erk, and as back-up, there's his attorney, Micheline Levine and then his mother. Ma Dukes says she grew so frustrated that communications broke down between her and the executor. Erk explains that payments from the estate were delayed because Dilla has an outstanding tax debt in the "healthy six figures." He says he is negotiating a payment plan with the IRS and that a petition has been filed with the probate court in order to get family allowances paid to Dilla's children.
The other major issue facing the estate is that so many people are using Dilla's beats without permission. Dilla would often create beat CDs and hand them out to friends.
"It's been difficult to police," Erk admits, adding that he's at the tail end of litigation with Busta Rhymes. "An album was released by Busta on the Internet called Dillagence without authorization," Levine explains. "And, of course, we're now unable to use those tracks and exploit those downloads. Everybody downloaded it for free." Attempts to reach out to Busta were not returned.
Ma Dukes counters that Busta paid Dilla for those tracks years ago. "He got a raw deal," she says. "Busta didn't take anything from anybody." Ma Dukes says she feels bad that her son's friend had to go through such rough treatment by his estate.
The same scenario has played out several times since Dilla's death. The estate has settled "four or five" similar cases, negotiating what they believe is fair market value for the beats. "A lot of people are coming out of the woodwork with things that he did for them," says Erk, who took out an ad in Billboard magazine in April 2008, notifying people to stop using Dilla's material. The estate also sent out cease-and-desist letters to various entertainers as well as people throwing events in Dilla's name-including his own mother, she says. "Her dream was to open a camp where kids with lupus could have normal lives," says Joy Yoon, an L.A. journalist who interviewed Ma Dukes shortly after her son's death and later offered to help her raise funds for what was to be called the J Dilla Foundation. "But then she said she was put on hold by the lawyers."
Ma Dukes insists she will go on with her plans for the foundation, establishing it in her own name. "It's been over two years, and they're talking the same crap," she says. "I don't have a Ph.D., but I know how to use a phone and talk to somebody and make arrangements. It's just not an excuse. They have no respect for the fact that I had anything to do with bringing him into this world."
Meanwhile, she has voiced concerns about Dilla's will itself, which he signed on September 8, 2005, nearly six months before his death. "I don't even know if he really knew what he was signing," she says. "I don't think he would have signed anything if he'd known it would be like this now." She has hired an attorney who is also representing her son and Paige's mother, Monica Whitlow, who says that legal action is "in the works."
"His estate is fucked up," Q-Tip says. "I know the lawyers are saying that he had certain tax issues and all that stuff. But you were getting paid to represent him when he was alive, so it shouldn't be any of that. Ma Dukes ain't getting nothing, and the kids ain't getting nothing. It's a horrible thing."
During the last year of her son's life, Maureen Yancey tested positive for lupus. She says she's not worried about dying and has accepted the fact that she and her husband must now live in a rental property in a neighborhood she describes as "a war-torn zone." What keeps her up at night is her grand children. "I just want the girls to be taken care of," she says. "That's all."
In response to a petition filed by her mother, Joyleete Hunter, Dilla's youngest daughter, Ja'Mya, has begun receiving money from the estate, and Erk says Paige should start receiving payouts sometime in early 2009. "Oh really?" says Whitlow. "That's new information for me." She has had few conversations with Erk and says that when she informed him she was working with Ma Dukes' lawyer, he warned her, "This is going to get ugly." But she remains undeterred. "I gotta speak up for my baby 'cause I been quiet too long," she says."He hasn't seen ugly. I can show him ugly."
In the meantime, Ma Dukes says please don't cry for her. "It's really rough for everybody out there. But prayers help," she says with a sigh."Pray for my strength."
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Inverse - So True EP

***Alternate link (just in case the other doesn't work...)

I'm At The Red Bull Music Academy...

...Nah, I kid. But ?uesto and The Roots are. This is a must-listen to you folks out there who do or don't know about ?uestlove and Black Thought...and the rest of the Roots for the matter...and for those that dig The Legendary. Courtesy of Okayplayer, The RBMA caught up with the Mighty Afro himself to bring you all-things Roots and thangs...This is The RBMA Fireside Chat which The Roots are the latest artist to be highlighted for The RBMA Fireside Chat segment. During this hour long podcast you get to hear how The Roots came to be, listen to ?uesto discuss some career highlights of The Legendary Roots crew, and also enjoy a full playlist of hits from The Roots with commentary from ?uestlove throughout. Right now, I'm in the middle of the podcast and I'm definitely enjoying this...So without further ado, here are the links for your own to enjoy...
RBMA Fireside Chat with ?uestlove
Do you want more?!!!??!
Train Wreck Mix (?uestlove, Roots)
Emerald Steps (?uestlove, Roots)
These Are The Breaks (?uestlove, Roots)
And anotha' one...
RBMA (video) - Seattle 2005 - ?uestlove: Phrenology of Hip-Hop
D.I.T.C. >> Pied Pipers + (Re)Mix-(es) Tape

Now if you haven't grabbed these lately...now is the time. Along with the Abundance LP, here are 2 mixtapes I give to you...FREE. First, the Abundance Mixtape and second, the PPP Remixed mixtape by DJ Topspin & Waajeed courtesy of Rappers I Know and Fresh Selects. Click the covers for the jump with download/track listings.

Monday, January 26, 2009
Don't Sleep On These...(Vol. 0)

Look out for Vol. 1 of this segment, soon...
Enjoyed this? Here's more (click for the jump)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
808's & U.M.C. The Kanye-Common Controversy
Anyways...I can take account and attest to 2 particular albums that just recently came out last year. Especially, one everyone is hating or loving. These two are 2 of Chicago's forefront MC's in Hip-Hop...Kanye West and Common. Kanye's 808's & Heartrbreak and Common's Universal Mind Control, specifically. I don't really have a problem with these two albums...okay, maybe one of them (like I said...really...I'll tell you why, soon...) but what I hear from other people around me...It doesn't bother me, but I felt like I should give some insight into why you should at least enjoy and appreciate music like these, especially 808's and Universal Mind Control.
We all understand that we don't have to like certain types of music, right? I hope...I know I can be the same at times. But I learned how to get around the whole dislike/hate attitude towards all music. That's why I'm more appreciative and acknowledegable than I was before. I ain't boasting or bragging or anything like that...so don't be actin'-a-fool up on my face. Sure, to some of us, oldies can be as shitty as hell...but as they say, "Oldies, but goodies." I believe the respect, knowledge, and understanding of music altogether should be taken into consideration...which brings me to the two albums I just mentioned a moment ago...808's & Heartbreak and Universal Mind Control. First, I'll give you my take on 808's...

Conceived in the wake of multiple events that impacted and distressed West the previous year, the album marks a major musical departure for him lyrically, vocally, and production-wise. Although the initial reaction to the stylistic change was mixed, 808s & Heartbreak received generally positive reviews from critics upon release and was met by commercial success. It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 and went on to become West's fourth album to reach platinum status.
(Read more about it here after the jump)
Now, this album (in my opinion) isn't something I'd listen to again and again...except me trying to get used to it multiple times, that first time...Maybe one or two tracks in the album...but after, say, two times listening to that album...I'm done. Time to switch to some other shit...

But you gotta give it up to the dude...At least understand where he's coming from...In January's issue of Vibe magazine, there was an interview I read about what he felt making the album...the times, struggles...and what people thought about his album and what they perceived about him...even the whole Auto-Tune usage in his album that he gives an explanation...It's for a reason and feel. Really some in-depth stuff. It's a good read. I don't really hate him...he's doing him. He's himself and there's nothing wrong with him being different and all...Not scared of change...but we people seem to be scared of change. Why is that...? He also talks about finding beauty in imperfection, while people think and believe...and feel, that beauty is all in perfection. Reading this is like reading his whole mind, body, and soul in one sitting. He's doing what he's doing...and that criticism bullcrap...he doesn't give a damn. Respect the work he gives...Good job my man...
Do I love it or hate it? That's the real question. My answer...? It's in between...

I said something about researching...on Common's album, right? Well, let me tell you this. There was this video I watched and they were interviewing/promoting his album and whatnot...and in it (this is what I enjoyed about it...and other albums. The other reason why I like this album...) they broke down each track--like a track commentary thing--and on each track he explains where, how, and why he came up with all 10 tracks you see in his album. The whole conecept...busted out the whole nine...It was fascinating, yet informative. I like how artists/interviewers go hand-in-hand sometimes going out of there way asking different questions and sharing what's within the album and artists. Yeah, just thought I'd share that with you.
So, with all of this being said...what do I think, overall, for both albums? Simple. Though, I do like one of them more than the other...To be fair and honest...I actually like 'em both. It's just a matter of taste. Can't really argue with that now, right?
See, music changes...it evolves...it fuses. But music serves a purpose in everyone. That's one point, if you guys didn't catch that...
Gyeah. Learn to appreciate, and it'll appreciate you back...
Get a chance to go beyond just listening to the music...experience it by digging deeper. That's a real enthusiast of music...
Do you see my point about music now...? (I don't want to repeat it.)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Saturday Kinda Blues...
As for that...I did go out for a bit, but then my cold got worse, so I went back home...Gyeah. That's it. Man...I need to rest...
Anyways...peace to Shay, my ill soul sista' from anotha' mista'! You rock...You're one of the few who knows what's up. Peace to Ashley (where's the one I talk to?)...April (TALENT NIGHT, SON! WE THE BEST 2 MC'S!) Who else...? Jason (where you at, son!?)...all them other cats I know...John and Cherry, Jennie, Pauline (P.B. & J.!) I see you...Peace and love to you and yours. I'll keep writin' just you wait peeps...
Have a good rest-of-the-Saturday.
to you and yours...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Hungry Hip-Hop Junkie In The City
Common, One Day It’ll All Make Sense
“I walk the night in rhymin armor, bomb a nigga like a winter coat
Have him on Death Row searchin for an Interscope
Yet I sparkle like Irene Cara
Symbolize dope, like sirens do terror
Mariel just had a baby someone else decapitated
Flashbacks of past raps make me so glad I made it
Players is gettin tradedI drop a gem off, them who’s style is jaded
My juice is grated
Shit is so bangin niggaz say it’s gang related
On philosopher’s rink of thought, I’ve skated with precision
Crews is gettin split like decisions
Com will let it ride in collision
Vision like Coleco or tele, I battle stars in stellar...
Regions, my thought scheme was my like my offspring
Now, it’s teethin
My reason of rhyme applies to season and time
Season of mind, body and regions divine
In mom’s cookouts, I’m leavin the swine
Verbal vegeterian, squashed beef with Ice Cube
Came in this rap life nude
Now I’m fully clothed with flows
You tricks can’t hide behind expensive cars and clothes
Old niggaz I expose like Luke does hoes in videos
With classic material, imperial and rugged like
Got mag, but my slugs a mic
You fake like a smile, like a hug, I’m tight
Skip ladies, this is rip a muthafucka night
Oracle arouse, niggaz don’t even run for cover right
Downtown interracial lovers hold hands
I breathe heavy like an old man, with a cold can of Old Style
Hold a Stone Isle profile
Mix between Malcolm X and Sef when I go wild
Hold mics like a second nut until the second comin
Hummin comin towards you with power like forwards do
Hip hop, you my bitch and like a Ford, I’m Explorin you
So, wack niggaz be cool, with them, I stay cordial
Flowin room temperature, cats is presumed miniature
Like golf. Soft like Tiger Woods
And real nigga angles I’ve stood with ways that’s geometric
Don’t need to rob banks with dike broads to Set it
I levitate to the occasion, lounge like a lyricist
Rhyme wise, you a rest haven
You sat by the door spooked like I was Wes Craven
You need to do more deletin and less savin
A praise in hell, raisin heaven
Like the bill on my pager leavens
What you should have known from day one
You will on day seven”
“Hungry hip hop junkie in the city”
Thursday, January 22, 2009
C'mon! Wake Your Asses UP!
Police: young boy shoots mother
Woman hospitalized after being shot in arm
Last Edited: Thursday, 22 Jan 2009, 9:38 AM EST
Created On: Thursday, 22 Jan 2009, 9:37 AM EST
Amanda Jarrett
TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (WTHI) - A women was sent to the hospital after being shot by her own child.
Terre Haute Police said a six-year-old boy accidentally shot his mother in the arm, just before 11 a.m. Wednesday. The incident happened at their home on 1st Avenue.
The mother was taken to Union Hospital, and her injuries are not considered life threatening. The older son was at home at the time, but was not hurt.
While it's being considered an accidental shooting, police are still investigating exactly what happened.
"The gun was put up in a kitchen cabinet, and a small child was able to climb up and retrieve the gun. We're not sure if it was loaded or unloaded when he got it," Terre Haute Police Captain Kevin Mayes said.
The boy was taken to the hospital to be mentally and physically evaluated.
...IT'S CALLED COMMON SENSE, DAMNIT! Accident or no accident...This is re-dic. RE-DIC!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Labelism (Swiped)

We label people according to how they dress, what they eat, what they listen to, what they watch, what they do, and how they think. The true spirit of a label is to simplify things. You can say you listen to A Tribe Called Quest, Gangstarr, Wu-Tang Clan & Aesop Rock, or you can just say you listen to hip-hop. But the problem is when people begin to associate you only with that label. It gets to the point where you're walking down the street and as you look at people, that's all you see: "He's a hipster". "She's a punk". "That guy has got to be a Republican".
Nowadays, most everyone I know is into lots of different things. I mean really, who is just one thing now? I personally like lots of different music, I'm into all different clothing styles, and enjoy a number of different activities.
What would be so wrong if labels just went away. If you actually had to explain what it is you're into as opposed to just spouting a single word. If you're going to take the time to ask someone what it is they're into, what it is they're about, then don't expect them to sum it up in one simple word for your consumption. And if you can't deal with that, then you must not really want to know.
It's a new year, so instead of all being the multitude of labels that we already know and hate, let's all be one label. Labelists. Labelism is the idea of not ascribing to any labels. The no label era is upon us.**
**Cred to: D.K. of Organology
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Happy Birthday ?uesto! + End Of An Era For The Roots...

?uestlove is my dude...and every else's dude. He's the drummers drummer (no disrespect to all the other drummers out there) but this dude can rock! Listen to any Roots album or any albums that he may have produced on or drummed on...or attend/watch any Roots concerts and there ya go...KILLER, SON, KILLER. He's one of my top favorite drummers out there, let alone we rock the same YO-MA-MA (that's Yamaha for those who don't know Brian) drum kit. What will they roll out with next? Peace to ?uesto and The Roots crew...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wish you and The Legendary the best.
Via Okayplayer:
Happy Birthday to the Mighty ?uestlove, thanks for sharing all your gifts with the world, and congrats on getting the gift you most wanted this year, President Obama! Not only is this day historic on those fronts, but ?uesto has shared some sentiments on twitter about the transition (NOT retirement) ahead for The Roots as they get set to play their final show of a tour that began in October 2007 (just one part of 17 years of nearly non-stop touring) this Wednesday January 21st in Seoul, South Korea. Click the "Read More" to get the excerpts.
?uesto on twitter:
" charmed life: first night as a road dog. moers germany mailk, riq, and me arguing who is gonna get the single bed in 1993... and now on the last night of being a road dog: im in a hotel with a friggin six flags sized amusement park INSIDE THE FUCKING LOBBY!!!!!!!!
17 years of madness. perhaps i'll write a book. (when im 90 and everyone is looooooooooooong gone lol)
Seoul Korea. The last stop on a tour that started in Oct 2007. And The closing of a chapter for the last tour by the band (god willing on fallon /GE/nbc's behalf lol)
thanks all for the bday wishes. amazing day. korean bbq, bootlegbackdoor alley deal$, my president going in office, and a roller coaster : ) "
- qoolquest
D.I.T.C. Radio AM/FM

Reflection Eternal
Peace, love, and God bless...
To you and yours...
*Inaugural Speech download after the jump
Monday, January 19, 2009
The MISS-Aromas Of An AXE Murdera
Anyways, I'll move on...

Another thing is those damn AXE commercials. Remember when I asked if those commercials actually say what they mean? Like, when you spray it on you...does it get you girls instantly? Will girls fall for that stuff? If any girls out there reading this, please do answer. Have you experienced guys like that? Vice-versa to guys...ya'll can answer, too. What's this "AXE Effect"? Pssh...I don't want NO EFFECT for me. AXE can suck it. *Sigh*...Ah, advertising and commercials...That's propaganda 101, folks. "Proper-propaganda", FORGET IT. I don't know...I don't think that crap works. How can any dudes spray that on themselves and expect them to smell good? Let alone get girls? This whole entry is not me complaining at all...it's WHY MAKE SUCH A PRODUCT THAT (maybe) DOESN'T WORK? (MONEYMONEYMONEYMONEY....MOONEEYYYY!) You know, I'll stick to the more classy cologne, thank you very much.

If I had to, I'd take FEBREEZE anytime than AXE. I'd spray FEBREEZE on me...at least that smells a heck of alot better than AXE, doesn't it? Ah, Fresh Linen scent...Yeah, that'll get girls...
Okay, I left it open for anyone to discuss...Any takers on this one...?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Michael Jordan-10 Years, 1999-2009

The best quote of the article: "We no longer bother to ask our athletes to rescue us anymore. The best we can do is kindly request they don't shoot us in the club."
Read more here after the jump...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Talib Kweli + Top Albums I'm Looking Forward To...
Friday, January 16, 2009
Hip-Hop & Graffiti Audio Tours

Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Sound Is God

The Sound Is God >>>Download after the jump
Exile On Vimby
Mos Def

The Bollywood Cometh

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
MF DOOM, The Return...

MF DOOM "Ballskin" >>>>DOWNLOAD
Wild Style
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
D.I.T.C. (A Look Back...)

These two cats are remarkably talented and deserve tons of credit. What will they be concocting next...? I'm not sure...but I'm sure I'll be there to pick up whatever they push out...
A Day With Mochilla...

In September 2002 Coleman and B+ went to Sao Paulo for nine days. They had a week to link with (hip hop) Brasil, enlist three drummers and find enough breaks to make a break record to guarantee commitment from our oversubscribed DJs back home. This is my favorite to watch. I've watch this DVD countless times and each time I watch it I'm always at awe by this documentary...Yeah, I'm speechless. I'm gonna let you guys watch this...GO GET IT!