Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hello, Good-Bye...(A Brief Moment...)

...Yes. Before I leave. First off, hope you enjoy these classics from back when days were dope and fresh...(yes, the dawn of pre-9/11).

Second, I just want to take a moment, before I come back here again after New Years Day, and say let's ring in '09 with a clean slate. A fresh start. Renaissance...? Maybe...But we all know the nation and the world is going all hay-wire, thanks to not only under the whole "BUSHanomics" era, but also us people to blame. Let's clean ourselves up and this goverment...I believe that Obama can do this once in office on Jan. 20. Okay, so I voted for him...and what? We need God...Pray. I'm not going to go on and on and give you my take...it'll just take to long, but ya'll know the deal, right?

Thirdly, let's reflect on what 2008 had brought to us on our tables...whether good or bad...happy or sad. Let out the negative karma, let in the positive. I can't wait until what 2009 will bring to me...But I'll be honest. 2008...it was an okay year for me, but 2009 will be much better, and I am confident about that.

Lastly, this past year alone had been chalked full of dope-ass music and well-produced albums...and new rookies to the music world. I can smell '09 with even more well-produced, well-sung artists in the indie and mainstream circuit...can't wait for more diggin' in 2009...Real, feel good music for the soul ya'll.

Oh...and what AM I doing on New Years...? Well, if you see me and I'm there, then that's what I'm doing.

Peace to all...ya'll know who you are...

b. '84, '09-infinity...

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